Monday 25 June 2007

Alan Johnston's latest video released

The latest video of captured BBC reporter Alan Johnston has been released. Mr Johnston is shown wearing what appears to be an explosive vest and talks openly about how his captors say they will not waste any time in detonating the vest should a rescue attempt be made.

Alan said "Captors tell me that very promising negotiations were ruined when the Hamas movement and the British government decided to press for a military solution to this kidnapping."

Last week leader of Hamas in Gaza Ismail Haniya, said Mr Johnston's captivity could not carry on, and have threatened to use any force necessary to secure Mr Johnston's release.

Please lets just take a step back and consider all actions before rushing into this situation with force. While image of Alan held captive are extremely distressing for his family it is better that he remains alive rather than the possibility of a bungled attempt to release him.

The British government in talks with Hamas must ensure that force that could endanger Alan's life is not taken.

You can watch this distressing video on the BBC website or sign the online petition here.

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